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* [[File:example_file.pdf|Slides]] (to upload a file: go to Edit mode, then click on the fourth icon from the left "Images and media" and follow the instructions)
* Slides : https://github.com/SpinalHDL/SpinalDoc/tree/master/presentation/en/fsic_2024


Revision as of 10:00, 4 June 2024

  • Speaker: Charles Papon
  • email: charles.papon.90@gmail.com



There is still very few free/open-source/multiple issue/in-order RISC-V CPU in the wild. In the same time, VexRiscv accumulated quite some technical debt and limitations. So it was time to fill those gaps !

VexiiRiscv aim at :

  • Providing a free/open-source CPU which can scale from simple micro controller, up to linux ready multi-core / multi-issue cluster (Cortex A53/A55 like)
  • Covering both 32 bits and 64 bits RISC-V + IMAFDC + B
  • Being very modular and extendable
  • Being Debian capable

This talk should normaly run on the hardware itself (FPGA), minus maybe, some kernel panics.


General information
