KQCircuits – open-source EDA software for designing chips with super conducting qubits

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  • Speaker(s): Pavel Smirnov
  • email: pavel.smirnov@meetiqm.com



KQCircuits is an open-source framework for designing superconducting circuit geometry, implemented as a plug-in to KLayout (https://www.klayout.de/), which is a CAD tool for viewing and creating 2-dimensional multilayer designs. KQCircuits provides several utilities to support most of the design process of a Quantum Processor Unit (QPU). KQCircuits has a Python library to aid geometry design and promote parametrized design to enable scalability and reusability. KQCircuits also includes an extensive library of pre-made, commonly used elements to drag-and-drop into a custom QPU, as well as some ready-made QPUs for reference or to include in the manufactured wafer for benchmarking purposes. The composition of the wafer design is handled by KQCircuits as well by taking a set of desired chips and placing copies of them in a grid structure. KQCircuits also provides a suite of verification tools to detect errors and mistakes before initiating the fabrication process, including a set of Design Rule Checks and the ability to export a netlist of the design. KQCircuits can also be integrated with third-party simulation tools to perform further design validation and study of physical features such as capacitance. One of such tools being Elmer FEM [1], an open-source finite-element solver developed by CSC Finland, with whom we have a strong collaboration.


General information

Interfaces with following open-source tools


  1. P. Råback et al., ‘Elmer’. CSC – IT Center for Science, Available: github.com/ElmerCSC/elmerfem