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Free Silicon Conference 2024
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GenreFree software and free hardware development conference
Location(s)Paris, Sorbonne Université

The 2024 Free Silicon Conference (FSiC) will take place in Paris (Sorbonne) on June 19, 20, 21 2024 (Wednesday to Friday). This event will build on top of the past FSiC editions. The conference will connect experts and enthusiasts who want to build a complete Free and Open Source CAD ecosystem for designing analog and digital integrated circuits. The conference will cover the full spectrum of the design process, from system architecture, to layout and verification. After the daily talks, the discussion will continue until late in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.



Participation to the conference is free of charge but the attendance must be reserved per email at fsic2024 'at' f-si.org. Details will be announced on this page and over the mastodon channel.

Tentative program

Before FSiC: Workshop on open-source silicon and open-source EDA

On the day before the conference, on June 18, and in the same room, there will be a workshop on open-source silicon and open-source EDA. The discussion will lead to the creation of Working Groups and to the drafting of a Roadmap for the European Commission. Attendance is free, but registration is required.

June 19, Wednesday (day 1)

  • 8:00-9:20, Registration and coffee
  • 9:20, Welcome and introductory announcements

Keynote speech

High-level design and logic-synthesis

Foundries and PDKs

On-going FOS silicon projects


  • 18:20-19:00, technical discussion

June 20, Thursday (day 2)

  • 8:00-8:40, Early bird coffee and tea

Analog flow, transistor modelling and circuit simulation

Hardware security

Policy, EU projects and funding opportunities


Sustainability session

16:00-19:00: This session is organized independently by Sorbonne Université.

The program is available here.

June 21, Friday (day 3)

  • 8:00-9:00, Early bird coffee and tea

Keynote speech

Back-end design tools

Practical information

Organizing committee

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Luca Alloatti
Libre hardware promoter
‟Technology is political. I stand for defending free access to technology and the right for transparency.”
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Gaëtan Cassiers
Hardware security researcher
‟Free and transparent technology empowers people and protects fundamental freedoms.”
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Constantin Gierczak-Galle
Student and enthousiast
‟Technology can be both Mankind's development and demise. Promoting the former while hindering the latter can only happen through decentralization, democratization and open collaboration.”
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Matthias Köfferlein
FOSS EDA author
‟I am passionate about helping people with my technical skills. Coding EDA is like gardening to me: may it grow and feed people.”
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Thomas Kramer
Skeptical technology enthusiast
‟I like to understand technology, to adapt and enhance it. Technology should not be mythical or owned by experts only, it needs to be comprehensible.”
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Martin Schoeberl
Professor at DTU
‟Open-source tools and technology gives freedom to students to explore chip design on their own and on their computers, not limiting them to the walled garden of a dedicated lab at the University”

Local hosting committee

The event is hosted by Sorbonne Université (SU) and members of the LIP6 laboratory including Cécile Braunstein, Roselyne Chotin, Marie-Minerve Louerat and Franck Wajsbürt.


We are looking for sponsors to cover extra services at the conference, such as food and beverages. In case of interest, please write at fsic2024 'at' f-si.org.


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This conference is funded by European Union through the Coordination and Support Action GoIT project with ID number 101070669. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.

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This conference also received funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under the NGI0 Commons Fund project. The NGI0 Commons Fund has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101135429.

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