FOSS EKV3 Charge-based MOS Transistor Model: an Engineering and Educational Tool

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  • Authors: Wladek Grabinski (presenting; MOS-AK (EU)); Matthias Bucher, Nikolaos Makris and Loukas Chevas (EKV3 Developers at TU Crete (GR))



The charge-based model of the EKV3 transistor is a highly versatile tool in circuit design and engineering education. The model clarifies relationships among key circuit-design Figures-of-merit (FoMs) such as transconductance, transconductance-to-current ratio, self-gain, capacitance, gain-bandwidth (GBW), noise and mismatch. All these quantities are directly related to the mobile charge in the MOS channel. Simple parameter extraction procedures will be discussed. Analytical equations and a minimal parameter set allow one to express the design quantities continuously in all operating regions, from weak through moderate and strong inversion. The model is a highly valuable tool in educating analog design engineers. Finally some application examples, including related to recent open-source PDKs, will be presented.